Monday, September 26, 2011

Photo Arts 1

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Rankin photographs with a great deal of detail and expression in each of his photos. I like how he changes most of his pictures to black and white. It makes most the photos look a little mysterious. Most of his photos show feeling like sadness or happiness and Rankin shows that in a unique way. For example the picture with the guy getting water dumped on him. People might not know what is really going on but you take a guess by seeing the surroundings and the other people’s faces, which something saddening might have happened.  One project that I really liked by Rankin was the One Dress project that he did. He was able to take one dress and have many different females where the dress. Each female was able to fit in with the dress and where however she wanted to. It shows how anyone can wear anything in different styles.

One Dress: 

Neil Stewart

Neil Stewart is a next generation photographer. The reason I like his photography is because he shoots around him. He really does not use a studio to shoot his pictures. If you see from the five photos above, he shot his photographs in different environments.  The main reason I like his photography is because he shoots a lot of action shots or photos in motion. When i am looking for something to take photos of, I usually like to take action shots. Another reason I like his photography is because his photos are so simple. They are simple but Neil makes them like they are good quality pictures that I would buy and put it on my wall.

Naomi Harris 

I choose Naomi Harris because I think she has a weird sense of taking photos.  I dislike her photos because in my opinion they are disturbing images of people and I do not think they should be put on the web because of kids. But I do think it is a unique style of photography because I have not seen anyone shoot the type of photos that Harris shoots. If the people had more clothes to cover themselves then I would like it but because they show to much I do not like them.  

May Ellen Mark

Mary Ellen mark has a unique sense of taking pictures. Her pictures to me seem like she did not stage anything and took pictures of really whats going in the world. If she did stage the pictures then she is really convincing and make the pictures really realistic. Like a little girl smoking a cigarette and and an elephants trunk around a mans neck. I also like how her pictures are in black and white. It makes it look like the pictures are older even though they could be pictures that were taken not to long ago. I like her work because it seems like each picture could have a story behind them. 

Stephen Shore

I like Stephan Shore because most of his pictures are plain and simple. How he achieved the photo may have been hard but how the picture looks like seems simple. They seem like there were taken by an amateur photographer or someone who took these with a point and shoot camera. By looking at these photos it seems like he is just taking pictures of the things around him. For example it could be that he is just taking a simple walk around his block and he is taking photos.
The last picture catches my interest the most because the lady is taking a picture but the pyramid is behind her. It keeps the viewer guessing of what the lady is really taking a picture of. What  could be more important than a pyramid unless she is taking a picture of her family.  

William Eggleston

I like William Eggleston photography because of the time in which he took the photos in. Also at the time he did not have a fancy camera like a canon t2i or canon 60D. His photos show it too. His photos seem like they  are from the 70's or 80's. Even though he may not have had the equipment we have now he was still able to take great photos. Just like Stephen Shore his pictures are simple. They seem like he took pictures of  the things around him, like the sky or he went to a store and took pictures of cars. Sometimes if a picture may seem simple, it may have been hard to capture the photo and have it the right settings to get the image he wants. 
I am a big fan of abstraction and some of his pictures show that he does some abstraction. The last picture with the flowers look really nice. It a nice look when the outside of the image is in focus but not the middle of the photo.

Pascal Dangin

Tim Barber

After seeing his photos and looking through his projects, Tim Barber is one of my top photographers. He takes all kinds of pictures and he seems like he is very outgoing and just wants to take a picture of whatever he can. That is the type of work that i would like to do. I would not want to take a picture of the same type everytime, like just wedding pictures and portraits. I would like to be able to explore the world and take pictures of what is around me. By the looks of it, Tim Barber tries to capture whatever image he could possibly get and at the end they turn out great. Like the last photo. It shows a man sitting in area where it seems like a major storm went by and destroyed everything. Just seeing one man sitting in the setting seems really depressing but that's what makes the photo great.  

Ellen Von Unwerth

Ellen specialized in a lot of advertising but i disliked her works. Most of her advertising advertised vey little of the projects. For example the forth picture was on Bacardi rum and if someone looked at the photo hey would not know it was advertising Bacardi. So I feel like she does not know how to advertise photos. Or it could be the way she decided to advertise these products.

David LaChapelle

Did not really like David because the picture contained to much. The pictures itself was to complex and they seem to edited and in my opinion i think if you are good at photography, you would not need to do too much editing. Photography generally tells the viewer what is really going on in the world but in this case there is a lot of editing and staging the photos. So these images are false. I don't like it because I think photos should be telling us what is really going on around us and instead of just making something up. That is why I disliked Davids work. 

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