Sunday, November 6, 2011

Photo Arts Journal 2

John Kotrides 

I like John Kitrodes because he is an all around photographer. He does not photograph one thing like just weddings or just sports photography, he photographs various things. My favorite photo would be the one where the two kids are playing in the water at the beach. I like how he turned it into a black and white photo and I like how the kids are really black so you cannot tell who they are.  I also like the action shots he gets like with the little boy playing with water and the kids on the beach. Overall I do like John Kitrodes photos. 

Lee Towndrow 

Lee Towndrow seem like a photographer that uses sets to stage his photos or he's on a set of maybe like a movie. The photos that he takes are really good and they catch my attention. For example the picture with what I think might be paint is really cool. I also like that he photographs many things so they can explore new subjects to photograph. Overall I like Lee Towndrow's photographs.

Michael David Adams 

Michael David Adams is an Advertising photographer. Unlike some other Ad photographers, i believe Adams does a better job advertising the products than other photographers. Like in the photos with the watches, he shows different people wearing the watch and shows that anyone can wear it. Overall I like Admas photos and how he takes them. 

The Wade Brothers 

The Wade Brothers take staged photographs. For example the set up something and they take the picture. Then they edit them possibly using photoshop. I dislike the work by the Wade Brothers because I believe that photography should be images that tell the truth and should not be staged or edited. If the photos are edited then they are edited to make them better looking, like to sharpen them. I did not lke any photos by them. 


I would have to say after looking through many pictures carefully examining them, I would have to say that CirilJazbec would be one of my favorite photographers. Some of these photos may have been staged but they seem more realistic than the photos by the Wade Brothers. I like how as soon as you look at the image you can make up a story if you do not know what is going on in the photo. Overall I like the photos by CirilJazbec. 

Kalle Gustafsson 

In most of Kalle Gustafsson's photographs it looks like her photos seem dark and they seem like there is a special moment happening in the photo. For example they seem like there are romantic moments happening in the image. I liked how her photos are mostly movement and not still life's. Overall I do like her photos and I would print them and make them poster size.  

Edlo Kawa 

Edlo Kawa photography does not catch my attention at all. I do not like how they staged their photos especially the first photo. I dislike the work by Kawa.  I do not like how their photos are old looking for example the color seem like they were taking in the past. 

Robin Skjoldborg 

Overall i like Robin Skjoldborg's photos.  I  like how they did the portraits and how the subjects looked. Instead of wearing lingerie, they wore everyday clothes. They should how an average person may or may have not looked.  I like how the subjects are in focus and the background was not. Overall I like Robin Skjoldborg's photos.

Bjorn Lofterud 

I like some of the works by Bjorn Lofterud. I like how their photos were just plain and simple. 

Florian Ritter

I like Florian Ritter's photos mostly because of the angle of which they were shot in. They were not shot straight on the object. They were shot either looking up or looking down at the subject. I especially enjoy the time lapse photo that was shot above the city.  I like ow the photos were edited to give it more of a mysterious or a dark mood to the photo. Overall I like Florian Ritter's photos.

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